Excerpt: Broken down by country, The United States, Philippines and Israel had the highest percentage – around 11% each. In close second were Thailand and Canada at around 10% of adults. Sweden Brazil and Australia clocked in at 9%.

 In the US, 20% of Gen Z self-identified as part of the LGBT+ community vs. 11% of millennials, 6% of GenX and 5% of Baby Boomers.


Here are a few of the reactions–

Garg: The promotion of selfish thinking of ones feelings started out as a liberal doctrine but soon found adoption by most all with the drive of feeling good about themselves regardless of the consequences upon others. Sexual grooming is an obvious example and most all forms of perversion are candidates.

No: Many of the gays in Russia probably just stay somewhat in the closet so it’s not obvious.

Uncoy: The biological stats are in the 8 to 10% range for men, and around 5% for women. 

Sardon: Only 10 days away from all the corporations updating their social media  profiles with the fudgepacker version of their logo for a WHOLE ******* MONTH.

We give veterans 1 day.

wA: Anyone been to Spain lately , LGBT loonies are totally destroying tradition, it’s becoming just another place, no Soul, no essence.

WatchOut: Guys go to the Philippines and Thailand and such to get some reach around surprises with little dudes that look like chicks…

I’m glad I’m old, married and never go anywhere.

Pro: I don’t believe these stats. My wider circle of friends from school onwards, brief acquaintances and people I have met in and around work, must number 1000+. I can only recall 4 or 5 who I’d characterise as being from the LBGTXYZ++ community.

Zero: Swedes are brimming with Stockholmi-sh syndromes, degeneracy and more.

Malt: That happened quick. How, on Earth, did we become gayer than England??

amad: If you obsess on things like sex and gender, you are sick.

Undo: So the TRUTH is that the US is tied for first place in mental health disorders. Why, oh why am I not surprised?

throw: Tel Aviv, Israel is the gayest city in the world 

honest: Are 20% of Young Americans born LGBT?  Why would only 5% of older Americans be LGBT?  Did something happen to the birthing process?

spark: Look what is happening to Israel now.   Just like in Ukraine the US can give them all the money it can create out of thin air but when the people leave it won’t make much difference. 

The prediction is that the Israel dual citizens will opt out of living in a war zone and eventually the area will become a normal place where there’s no racial discrimination and will spell the end of the Israeli apartheid regime. 

True: Who controls the media and propaganda organs in all of those countries?

USSA: A clear measure of the relative healthiness of a society. You ought to see some of the Christmas trees and decorations here in Eastern Europe and yes they say “Merry Christmas!”.

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