Excerpt: To wit, the latest ‘malicious scuffing’ incident occurred in Spokane, Washington, where three teenagers on Lime scooters were charged with 1st Degree Malicious Mischief for leaving marks on the sacred object, according to media outlet…

According to the Spokane Police Department, “911 received a complaint advising multiple subjects on scooters were causing damage to the newly painted Pride mural.”

In response to the outrage, Lime scooters implemented a ‘no-go’ geofenced zone around the flag at the intersection of Howard Street and Spokane Falls Boulevard…

Is this simply self-aggrandizing bait for their activist organizations, “proving” how widespread the “hate” is…?

…and if so, who defines “hate”?


Here are a few of the comments–

flykiller: “why paint it on a dirty street?”to train you to submit and defer to (them), even as they impede and insult you.

Hoax: Alphabet flags are honeypots. They are installed hoping someone will deface them so the ever-whining alphabet losers can screech about being victims on the internet and in the media. And those stupid painted flags usually have surveillance cameras aimed at them for that very reason. 

Vandalise prudently, folks!

True: Painting that on a public street was itself a hate crime against the majority of citizens in the first place.

dog: this flag is more important to them than the us flag? which you can burn and its protected speech.  skid mark a gay pride flag and its a felony? 

Gravel: Two flags only are inviable, the Gay and Israeli flag, anything else is fair game. Then consider the former promotes a lifestyle that would shame Sodom & Gomorrah, the other genociding children, these are the pillars the West admires and funds, ugly times are acomin’.

besnook:  can hate anyone i want as a constitutional right. i don’t hate anyone except people who commit genocide and people who want to force to like them by law.

its: This is not a “hate crime”; this is a “love crime”.  Motorheads love painted pavement.  Painted pavement is perfect for doing burnouts with cars and skids with bikes.  It’s easy to “burn rubber” on due to reduced traction, it doesn’t wreck your tires, and it leaves a bitchin’ patch.

Yukon: Does doing a burnout on the pfag-flag with an EV offset the “hate crime” through green virtue signaling? 

ebear: Still waiting for someone to explain to me what exactly there is to be proud of.

The old expression ‘pride comes before a fall’ rings true for me however.  I’ve also notice that people who have the most to be proud of are generally pretty humble about it.  Most of the time we don’t even know who they are.

Van: Revolutionary war, not a civil war is whats needed. Politicians, media, AGW goons are outnumbered 50-1. They work for the Garbage Elite. Those 1000 people responsible for 99.9% of all the evil and violence in the world.

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