Malicious Scuffing?

Excerpt: To wit, the latest ‘malicious scuffing’ incident occurred in Spokane, Washington, where three teenagers on Lime scooters were charged with 1st Degree Malicious Mischief for leaving marks on the sacred object, according to media outlet…

According to the Spokane Police Department, “911 received a complaint advising multiple subjects on scooters were causing damage to the newly painted Pride mural.”

In response to the outrage, Lime scooters implemented a ‘no-go’ geofenced zone around the flag at the intersection of Howard Street and Spokane Falls Boulevard…

Is this simply self-aggrandizing bait for their activist organizations, “proving” how widespread the “hate” is…?

…and if so, who defines “hate”?

Here are a few of the comments–

flykiller: “why paint it on a dirty street?”to train you to submit and defer to (them), even as they impede and insult you.

Hoax: Alphabet flags are honeypots. They are installed hoping someone will deface them so the ever-whining alphabet losers can screech about being victims on the internet and in the media. And those stupid painted flags usually have surveillance cameras aimed at them for that very reason. 

Vandalise prudently, folks!

True: Painting that on a public street was itself a hate crime against the majority of citizens in the first place.

dog: this flag is more important to them than the us flag? which you can burn and its protected speech.  skid mark a gay pride flag and its a felony? 

Gravel: Two flags only are inviable, the Gay and Israeli flag, anything else is fair game. Then consider the former promotes a lifestyle that would shame Sodom & Gomorrah, the other genociding children, these are the pillars the West admires and funds, ugly times are acomin’.

besnook:  can hate anyone i want as a constitutional right. i don’t hate anyone except people who commit genocide and people who want to force to like them by law.

its: This is not a “hate crime”; this is a “love crime”.  Motorheads love painted pavement.  Painted pavement is perfect for doing burnouts with cars and skids with bikes.  It’s easy to “burn rubber” on due to reduced traction, it doesn’t wreck your tires, and it leaves a bitchin’ patch.

Yukon: Does doing a burnout on the pfag-flag with an EV offset the “hate crime” through green virtue signaling? 

ebear: Still waiting for someone to explain to me what exactly there is to be proud of.

The old expression ‘pride comes before a fall’ rings true for me however.  I’ve also notice that people who have the most to be proud of are generally pretty humble about it.  Most of the time we don’t even know who they are.

Van: Revolutionary war, not a civil war is whats needed. Politicians, media, AGW goons are outnumbered 50-1. They work for the Garbage Elite. Those 1000 people responsible for 99.9% of all the evil and violence in the world.

Relocating To Small Towns

Excerpt: Well, there are a number of reasons why so many people are relocating to small towns these days.

For many, the quality of life in big U.S. cities has become utterly deplorable…

Another reason why a lot of Americans are choosing to relocate has to do with taxes…

The cost of living crisis that we are currently facing is another factor that is motivating vast numbers of Americans to relocate…

Ultimately, the cost of living is only a minor consideration when it comes to choosing a place to live during the extremely difficult years that are ahead of us.

Much more importantly, you will want a location that has like-minded people, that has a low population density, that has a low risk of experiencing major natural disasters, and that is not near any important military targets.

Unfortunately, such areas have become very popular in recent years and home prices are going through the roof.  For instance, the median home price in Bozeman, Montana has risen to about $770,000…

A lot of Americans now find themselves priced out of many of the most desirable communities in the country, and that is extremely unfortunate.

If you are considering relocating to another part of the nation, I would encourage you to do it soon.

And some of the reactions–

Hoax: Fact is… people in small towns absolutely do NOT want to “grow their population”. We like it just fine being surrounded by a small number of familiar folks. Thinking around here goes: If you see a car with a California licence plate in your neighborhood, destroy it. 

whats: If you don’t want liberals from blue states, then don’t hire them, don’t patronize their businesses, don’t rent to them, and give them the cold shoulder everywhere they go. Make it inhospitable for them. Eventually they’ll leave. Where I am, they last about 2 years before they pack up. One lib from Oregon opened a boutique in our small town and nobody shopped there, ever. She folded within one year.

cuz: It’s a disease trying to find healthy hosts (ie small towns) after killing its previous one (ie cities)

Comrade: 69% of single females voted for Biden. File this under “reaping what you voted.” 

Stupid: The problem is no one wants these effeminate city dwellers moving next to them bringing their ****lib politics with them. You made your fecal bed, now sleep in it.

Iam: Telework murdered commercial real estate in big cities. It’s never going back. That’s why small towns are booming.

TR: Walmart is well known for destroying mom and pop businesses. Part of the allure of small towns is local shops run by local people churning out high quality goods and services – mostly. And a machine made restaurant chain burger isn’t the same as one produced fresh by hand with local ingredients made by folks who take pride in their work. Enjoying a plain basic cup of black coffee and some breakfast at a local diner is wholesome, refreshing, energizing. It’s a lot better than eating irradiated frankenfoods and drinking overpriced coffee full of high fructose GMO corn syrup made by some heavily tatted blue haired ****** with 30 noserings and 4 pronoun options.

Here’s a warning sign: When a small town gets its first starbucks it is guaranteed to go to ****.

Stay: I live in a small farm town with lots of diversity. We have Black cows, brown cows and white cows, all the diversity any sane person could want!

Brushy: You also have a massive cohort of baby boomers retiring. You retire, you sell the over priced condo or townhouse in the city and you move out to a small town. Living is quieter, cheaper, more peaceful, and safer.

I live in a small town. Zero crime. Can play a round of golf for about 18 dollars.

Cloud: Boomers bring their IRAs and retirement incomes.

Comrade: With the Fed & Biden regime hurtling us down the road to a Zimbabwe-style hyper inflationary collapse, getting out of the Democrat-Bolshevik malgoverned big cities before they implode is paramount. Small towns need to be making contingency plans for dealing with the feral packs of Youth for Biden and the criminal migrant supergangs that will be pouring out of the cities bent on rape, murder, and looting the melanin-deficient. 

Just: If you are thinking of moving to somewhere you don’t know, just sit outside the local HS when it lets out.  You will learn everything you need to know right there.

bloo: Now that malls are no longer pleasant places to shop, there has been a trend towards “day-tripping”-type shopping in small towns outside the metro area. A lot of niche type shops have sprung up in small towns, usually featuring a lot of antiques and collectibles, flanked with a bunch of coffee shops, bakeries, and quaint little eateries. The shoppers are probably pretty much the same crowd that goes to Hobby Lobby, but the shopping trip to a small town is usually an outing with a friend, combined with a lunch date–which is much more agreeable than mall shopping and eating at the food court. Real shopping is done online. 

toomuch: it’s boomers. they’ve been one step ahead of all generations to escape the sht they created as a whole as a generation. they make everything liberal and expensive, then move and buy up sht cheap. future generations are always priced out of the areas as they don’t have the resources yet. it’s been that way since the 80s. I’m gen x and every time I look at a place to strive to buy in 5 years or so, boomers always sell and ruin.

Med: I’m a millennial, and I can tell you my generation (as a whole) is terrible and has way too many emotional and intellectual deficiencies

I can see that and admit

The problem is that boomers rarely own up to the problems they have created, and get downright defensive.

Not Crossing Any Red Line

Excerpt: The US will not stop arms shipments to Israel in response to a recent airstrike on a refugee camp in Rafah, National Security Council spokesman John Kirby has told reporters. The US does not consider Israel’s operations in Rafah to be an invasion, Kirby added.

At least 45 Palestinians were killed when Israeli jets bombed the southern Gazan city of Rafah on Sunday, causing a large fire at a camp housing displaced people. The Israeli military insisted that it used “precision munitions” to kill two Hamas commanders, but media reports suggest that shrapnel from the strike ignited a fuel tank near the intended target.

“As a result of this strike on Sunday, I have no policy changes to speak to,” Kirby said at a briefing on Tuesday…

“There’s not like a measuring stick here or a quota” to determine how many dead civilians it would take for the US to punish Israel, Kirby added…

Sunday’s airstrike triggered a wave of international condemnation, and intensified calls for Israel to cease operations in Rafah. Kirby acknowledged the criticism, stating that “it’s not in Israel’s best interest” to become “increasingly isolated on the world stage.”

In a speech in parliament on Monday, Netanyahu called the strike “a tragic mistake,” and promised that it would be investigated.

Here are a few of the comments–

unti: “Deadly Israeli airstrike didn’t cross red line – US”

It did for the rest of the world.

Agee: The bombing gets the Biden Administration’s stamp of approval. The only red line that cannot be crossed is the line the Biden Administration draws around the peaceful protesters of genocide.

Wazir; The US state department lies has become comical. They send bombs to kill innocents but tell the recipient to be careful who and how you use them. What a joker. The combined Senate and House and from all who enables this Genocide in Britain and EU. should hang your heads in shame but you all have past the shameless stage.

RAMMER: aka there is no number of civilians Israel can indiscriminately kill that will in any way stop us from supporting Israel.

Ms: There is no US red-line concerning Israel. The US and Israel are both run by the Rothschild mafia.

CME: US backing feeds the genocidal cults bloodlust – now they are killing women and children in Syria. Quote: “An Israeli airstrike has killed a child and injured at least ten more civilians in the city of Baniyas, northwest Syria.” unquote. All approaches to the UN by Syria to bring the genocidal cult to heel, have been ignored. Every resolution aimed at bringing the Zionist cult to heel have been vetoed by the USA. It is time for a new world order, a multipolar world order free from the sham organizations created to protect the Zionist cult!

Cogit: Israel is doing exactly what the US has done dozens of times in other nations and would have done in Gaza as well. Civilians never count for the US (except when it comes to election in its own country)

And: As expected,the American stance has not changed no matter how much it talks out of the side of its mouth. All Americans are complicit in these crimes now. They handed their democracy over to a bunch of war criminals internally and to Israel. The US citizen is no better than the Israeli citizens who are in favor of and support wiping out Palestinians.

Sayno: When will the average American realise that he or she is working three jobs in order to just about survive living in a house on wheels while they fund genocidal regimes like Israel and the most corrupt politicians anywhere in the world through their taxes.

kuas: Look, there is no red line to begin with and there will never be one. They ware just bullshit, America is noted for. Moreover, the Palestinians are sub-human and animals; on top of being Muslims. Far as the Israeli Zionists along with the Evangelical Christian Zionist and the Far Right Conservative Right Republicans, killing Palestinian isn’t enough. They must be completely exterminated. So, starve them, corral their families into tents and then torch and blow them up with 2000 lbs explosive or US-Made GRU bombs. Anyone; women, mothers, children and babies still breathing or their head not decapitated are to be shot by snipers armed with US-made weapons. No Genocide, Ethnic Cleansing or War Crimes because America says so. After all What America Says, America Gets! Meanwhile, the sick world watches silently because they are too afraid of being label supporting Anti-Semitic and Holocaust by the media.

Israel Launches Airstrikes Deep Into Syria

Excerpt: Israel’s military on Wednesday launched a fresh attack on targets deep inside Syria, which reportedly left civilian casualties, according to state media.

State sources identified that it was a neighborhood that was struck, while the anti-Assad opposition outlet Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the Israeli strikes targeted “at least one military site… in the eastern countryside of Homs, causing plumes of smoke to rise.”

“The Israeli enemy launched an air attack from the direction of Lebanon, targeting a central site and a residential building in Baniyas city in the coastal region, killing a girl and wounding 10 civilians,” a Syrian defense ministry statement said.

Here are a few of the comments–

Pure: I’m guessing once the US gets bogged down with boots on ground in Ukraine and/or the Pacific against China, that will be the catalyst when the whole of the ME will rise up and move on Israel.

northern: with the billions of dollars the US taxpayers give Israel, AIPAC can hire all the media and best writers.

Jimmy: Got to love how they are the only foreign lobby that doesn’t have to register as a foreign agent and have to disclose where their money comes from. Greatest ally eva!

Super: The bully who got his nose bloodied won’t hit Iran anymore.  Instead, it’s defenseless Syria.

CJ: ALL this world-destroying terrorism is enabled by the USA, where its president, underworld criminal Joe Biden, says he has no red line concerning Israeli atrocities, even to the approval of the IDF’s munitions made in the United States used in the deadly Israeli strike Sunday on a displacement camp in Rafah, with applause  coming from a pimped out Congress comprised of greedy, mob-elected, ignorant, lawless thugs.

All whores of AIPAC.

Waiting in the wings: Donald J. Trump who promises Israel even more satanic power to create Hell on Earth.

Enraged: Israel’s mission is to lure Russia into a two-front war for the U.S. and British, but the Russians are not taking the bait, and currently assigning the Middle East to Iran unless their two bases are attacked in Syria. 

But when Russia completes the mission in the Ukraine by next year, they will confront Israel for the attacks on Syria and remove the illegal U.S. military bases.  

Republic: When you try to explain to Evangelicals that Israel provided attack drones to Muslim Azerbaijan so they could kill Armenian Christians, they always profess their firm belief that this is not possible and that it didn’t happen – even though Israel’s own media reports that it happened. They are in just as much denial of reality as trans people and this control that Israel has over their minds is a big problem.

thezone: Remember you worked this week to help pay for these destructive bombs.

dog: IDF is smart and proactive.  Attack Iranian military locations that will attack Israel.  IRGC is in Syria to attack Israel.  Yet the world is blinded to this because the Bible states the world will be against Israel in the latter days.  Believe in Jesus and pray for understanding since many will be of this world and not with God.

butwhat: The Kingdom of Israel ended 2500 years ago. Get new material. 

booboo: They killed their king and savior, top that Bibi

Average US Vehicle Age Hits 12.6 Years As Inflation Takes Toll

Excerpt: Cars, trucks, and SUVs across the U.S. are getting older, with the average vehicle age now at a record 12.6 years. According to S&P Global Mobility, which monitors state vehicle registration data, high prices for new cars and massive economic pressures on buyers account for the trend, ABC News reports…

As new car sales increase, the fleet of aging vehicles, which currently stands at 286 million passenger vehicles in the nation, should see its average age stabilize. Increased sales of lower-cost vehicles might also help reduce the average price of new cars, making them more accessible.

Auto repair shops are loving America’s aging fleet – of which around 70% of vehicles on the road are over six years old and no longer under manufacturer warranty.

Here are a few of the comments–

glen: Why buy something new, the new stuff is just junk.

The EPA has made it impossible to produce something that has any longevity at all, systems are too complex and prices are way too high.

toady: You reach a point where you realize stocking up on parts is a good idea.

I have doubles on most standard parts… alternator, battery, starter.

Now I’m considering picking up a entire old truck, same make & model, just for the parts (I have a place to put it where it won’t be an eyesore.)

Pure: My 3 cars are 24 years, 19 years, and 14 years. Haven’t had a car payment in a long time, my Silverado has almost 300k miles.

Omni: Modern cars primarily fail due to an electronics failure, not a mechanical failure

Theoretically, this should be an easier repair, but because all these electronics are encrypted by proprietary factory protocols, 3rd party shops are generally excluded from fixing – or even diagnosing – the problem.  This forces the owner to either go straight to the dealer, or junk it.

Super: Nobody is “undecided” about EVs.  That explanation is a stretch, to cover for the fact that new cars are substantially inferior to old ones, especially where simplicity and longevity are concerned.

old: I am keeping my 10 years old Honda Pilot not because inflation or high prices but because new cars are low quality computers on wheels. same goes to air conditioners, refrigerates did I mention computers? 

Thank you government for your green agenda. And You wonder why you cannot rule rest of the world anymore? 

Slobo: I drive a 1998 Mercury Grand Marquis.

Judge: 12.6 years old on average? I don’t see this in real life. When I’m out and about, almost every car I see is a late-model SUV or sedan. From my paid-for 2017 Hyundai, I think: “Why are all these cars so new, and what is their monthly payment?”

stocks: $80,000-$100,000 for a new pickup is insane.  Need I say more?

John: Total ********. The main reason that those of us who used to buy new cars, quit buying new cars, is because new cars suck.  

ty:  As I an aside we rented an SUV for a road trip to beach. Good grief, I had to disable the f’ing lane assist, collision warning, blind spot warning, **** was so annoying! 

Captain: The price of everything goes up – except salaries.

Vulcan: Pre-2018 and definitely pre-2008 cars are much better in many ways anyway.  Not the least of which being you don’t need to buy a NASA launch computer to be able to diagnose or work on them yourself.  

Hex: Isn’t it just possible that the ranks are swelling of those who know that new cars’ bells & whistles offer nothing of value and increase repair costs due to relentless software integration?  Let alone the EV debacle.

US New Home Sales Tumbled In April

Excerpt: After unexpectedly surging in March, new home sales plunged 4.7% MoM in April (considerably worse than the 2.2% MoM decline expected). This dragged new home sales down 7.7% YoY…

New home sales median price remains near record highs…

Mortgage rates above 7% continue to plague existing-home sales, which are “stuck,” National Association of Realtors Chief Economist Lawrence Yun said last week.

Here are some of the reactions–

ted: great news! this means my “property” taxes will be coming down accordingly

in: those “downward revisions” are for glossing over the rosy numbers they put out previously – not for glossing over your rosy financial situation. 

pay up and keep consenting, peasant.

Free: I’d like to see the current run rate percentage of home acquisitions that are from private equity. Last year it was 44% and I’m guessing that’s growing in 2024’. 

crypto: It means taxing authorities will be ramping up tax rates.

Tggr: Property taxes aren’t going anywhere but up:  New home sales median price remains near record highs…   Inflation fixes everything, and unfortunately, that’s the FED’s game plan is measure today’s debt against tomorrow’s inflated dollars.

Missing from the data.  New single family home construction is not what you think it is.  A large component of new single family home construction is now size-diminished multi-unit rental units owned by private equity funds.  Home ownership is not part of the plan.  You will own nothing and you will be happy.

And anyone with owning and existing home is now being incentivized to pi$$ off their neighbors and convert their home to a multi-unit dwelling and take in borders.

NoDebt: I’ve been watching YouTube vids lately about a home inspector (cyfyhomeinspections) who goes through those new McMansions pointing out all the VERY SERIOUS problems with them.  I mean, structural stuff, electrical stuff, not just cosmetic problems.

People are going to die in those houses.

clot: If you bought a home built after 2000, you would know they’re built like ****. 

Mount: Here, housing prices have become insane. If we tried to purchase our current home and land in today’s market and interests rates, our mortgage would be over $5,000 per month on a 30 year! And that does not include the insurance, which went up 50% in one year, nor the taxes, which also climbed 40%.

Jz: It’s that way everywhere… and if you think it’s a great time to sell… well it’s a zero sum game… If you sell, the next house you buy is going to be just as overpriced as the house you just sold. 

Ism: the AI bubble is pretty strong, as companies see a way to replace their human workers with AI.  but that will kill off demand from humans. wait until Trump is elected and fires many of the government workers and cuts programs.  that will really drive a stake in the heart of this fake bloated economy.

213: I stopped caring about owning a home lol.If it happens, it happens. But I ain’t moving 45minutes from downtown into a D.R. Horton home that is made of sticks and twigs.

The Average homeowner is also married, old, and commutes an 1hr+ a day. 

You need dual income most of the time. Divorces rates are 56% and sexless marriage and staying together “for the kids” is probably another 25%.

28yo renter bachelor> 40yo married dead bedrooms male with 200k equity.

bANNED: Median price is up because only the high end homes are moving. Banks won’t loan to the folks in the low end of the market, so they cannot buy even if they wanted to.

If you price the same house vs a year or two ago, you’ll see prices are starting to decline. And when there is a significant standoff between buyers and sellers, the buyers win. Buyers who can’t get a loan aren’t buyers. Prices have to come down, and they are.

everything: I’m watching rentals pop up faster than ever have seen before in my life.

Jack: The government will Jack up the housing sector!  You just watch!

Deep: Who is climbing the equity ladder? It ain’t the rent-serfs.

Charges Dropped Against Gym Owner Who Defied Strict Lockdown Rules

Excerpt: The owner of a gym in New Jersey who shot to national attention after defying COVID-19 restrictions by keeping his gym open has had all charges against him dropped…

Among the charges levied against the two men by the state were violations of a governor’s order, public nuisance, disturbing the peace, and operating without a license.

“The support we received locally, nationally, and internationally for our stand is something I will be forever grateful for,” Mr. Smith said. “With that being said, I am thrilled to announce that we have achieved a major victory in the long, hard fight against the State.”

Here are a few of the comments–

Wade: They tried to ruin the guy’s life and almost succeeded.

fearless: They did succeed against countless others…

Giraffe: This is the perfect example of why dudes should be fit and healthy.  Free floating testosterone built this world.  Don’t ever let anyone forget that. 

Quia: They made the guy’s life hell for 4 years and forced him to pay legal fees, but ultimately withdrew the charges when they got bored with him.

Peter: Not to mention how they ignore all the after-effects of the vaccinations ranging from debilitating symptoms and even sudden deaths. The truth will eventually be enthroned on the highest pedestal and the only thing higher will be the traitors, opportunists and liars swinging from the lamp posts.

Quia: It was the crime of the century, but none of those responsible have faced any consequences.

eye: The damage that the (((perpetrators))) of the plandemic wrought is almost incalculable.  Millions of people lost their livelihoods… and worse… like myself… lost a dear loved one as a direct result of the *** jabs. I can only pray that karma and justice serve these demons an eternal sentence in the Pit.

moto: And now, hopefully, he’ll discover the wonders of razors and other grooming tools now that his battle has been ended.  At his stage of grooming neglect it might require the introduction of TORO or John Deere to undo the decades of neglect.

“Historical Disgrace”

Excerpt: On Monday, ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan stated that there are “reasonable grounds to believe” that the Israeli leader and his defense minister are guilty of “war crimes and crimes against humanity” due to their complicity in the IDF’s military operation in Gaza. Khan announced that he is officially seeking warrants for the arrest of Netanyahu and Gallant, as well as three Hamas officials…

Israeli Justice Minister Yariv Levin slammed the move as “one of the greatest moral disgraces in human history,” and suggested that the “attempt to deny the State of Israel the right to self-defense” was an expression of “modern anti-Semitism and hatred of Jews wherever they are.”

In a statement to Reuters, senior Hamas official Sami Abu Zuhri also condemned the proposed warrants against the Palestinian group’s leaders, stating that such a move “equates the victim with the executioner” and could encourage Israel to continue its “war of extermination” in Gaza…

And some of the comments–

Opinion: ICC warrants against Israeli officials a moral debt to humanity. If not… what could be called a crime???

Debra: Zionists are carrying out a slow-motion coup d’etat against the USA.

mak: Terrorists? The apartheids state itself is originated out of terrorism. Begin and Shamir have been on the wanted list of the Brits because of committing terror acts. But only 2 jews?? The list should have contained at least 500 jews. I think that it took so much time for Khan to propose the warrants because he first had to check the level of bribes that were offered to him by the jews and the US and than to create a mechanism to defend himself against threats of the jews, the UK and the US. Finally he found the courage to propose the warrants. Well let’s see where massmurderes will end.

Debra: The indited Hamas leaders will respond to the ICC warrant. In court they will prove the atrocities they are being blamed for where actually committed by the IDF. They will also introduce into the court record evidence that Israel is committing genocide with the help of the US and some EU nations.

Salix: It is indeed a historical disgrace…. that the ICC watched Apartheid Israel committing war crimes after war crimes and crimes against humanity after crimes against humanity without doing its job out of feat of Jewish power.

Debra: Zionists will throw Gallant and Netanyahu under the bus. That was the plan. Get them to wipe out the Palestine and take over Gaza, and then set them up to face the rap.

prime: Both Netayahu and Gallant were backed by their western government accomplices through several agencies. In the USA, AIPAC and ADF, by definition a foreign organization, heavily influence and fund the US politics. It is well known US presidents are figure head as deep states (cowards afraid to show themselves) exists as confirmed by former presidents including those who were assassinated. Netayahu only applied the Protocol of Zion principles featuring its racist policies created from the Talmud invented in 10th Century after the fall of Khazar empire. The so-called state of Israel basicallly exposed themselves through their own sheer arrogance.

carl: These zionist leaders talk about how everybody hates them and that the ICC’s rulings are anti-semitic and on and on. What astounds me is that everybody does hate them. Not for their religion, but for their behaviour’s. They have invaded a sovereign country and displaced many of the native population. Some they have imprisoned in Gaza. The others, in the West Bank are being forced out by settlers who have no right to be there. They have ignored every UN resolution, trying to get them to be ‘humane’. Now they are carrying out an unremitting genocide and castigate the ICC for pulling them up on it. The Israeli’s need to get it right. It is not their religion that everybody hates. It is their delinquent behaviour.

mick: This decission is late for 76 years, against previous governmnets of Israel, who are in fact by any Western measures were terrorist, and they were proud of that. For the ones who don’t believe in that, look at their biography and what they did as a young people. Israel as a country is based on hate, genocide, occupation and terrorism, so this is too late.

TBTB: The entire Israeli and American governments should have been indicted and arrest warrants issued for each one of them for genocide against Palestinians. Starving millions of Palestinians is not fighting Hamas. Killing 10,000s of children and women is not war on Hamas. Dropping 2000lbs bombs on densely populated areas is a war crime. Destroying 80% of the civilian infrastructure is war against the people of Gaza. It is genocide. The ICC should amend its charges using evidence presented at the ICJ by South Africa and others.

First, Israel is an occupying colonial entity, it cannot claim self-defense. Second, Israel is not a democracy, it is an Apartheid state. Third, the Zionist war on Palestinians has been going on for 75 years, it did not start on October 7. Fourth, Hamas is a liberation movement, elected by the Palestinian people. Fifth, most of the Israelis killed were settlers living in stolen land. The majority of them were murdered by the IDF.

Ict: Why always the broken record “right to self-defense”,”modern anti-Semitism””outrage” “only democracy in the Middle East.” It is as though they are they only sufferers and that is NOT reality.