Excerpt: Commercial real estate transactions are down by 70-80 percent according to the brokers we talk to, and our loan origination volume reflects that as well. Borrowers are concerned about future business prospects. We recently had a client decide not to take a loan to refinance a warehouse used in their business because they were concerned about their future business prospects. At the same time, the cost of everything we buy, from paper to electricity, is rising…

We are increasingly seeing small professional firms shrinking or simply closing up shop. The labor shortage is a major reason for giving up the fight. There’s plenty of demand for professional services, but there is not enough trained staff. Retaining staff is a major headache. Owners nearing retirement are giving it up sooner rather than later.

Continued high interest rates, inflation and general economic malaise has caused employers to be very reluctant to hire professional level talent. They may replace talent if they have attrition, but in general, they are very slow to make any new hire decisions.


Here are a few of the comments–

yer: How about return ALL usurped powers, end the wars, bring troops home and close foreign bases, close the border, throw out the illegals, means test everything from welfare, ss, medicaid, medicare, and then fire 70% of federal government. Then on day two do more of the same. 

Squibb: I especially like the firing of 70% of the federal government.

mt14: Make it 100% and you’d be on to something.

Owen: The above is a pipe dream and doesn’t serve the bankers or elite interests, but fun to dream about.  Older voters will balk at any means testing.  Probably, the way to reform SS is to first increase salary subjected to SS tax to pay for it and then pick an age, say 45, where anyone that age and under is no longer covered by SS.  For medicare, too many depend on it now to get rid of, but you have to means test the premiums.  And, like SS, pick an age where folks are grandfathered in.  If you even start doing a little math, we are screwed in so many ways though and a reset where many of these “entitlements” go away, is probably what will happen after the can is kicked as far as it can go.

Susan: Medicare part B premiums are based on income, if you are not on an Advantage program. And you need the supplemetal insurance as well. I pay $257/month for Part B, and the supplemental costs $607. My husband pays a similar amount.

Invert: Many people with money have set up Trusts. I believe means testing won’t effect them. I may be wrong. 

Jd1982: This is completely anecdotal on my part, but my company’s biggest challenge right now is virtually all of our clients are remitting payment on their invoices at the slowest pace in our 12 years of business.  And this is on top of them having to pay us higher interest on overdue invoices since rates were raised in 22.  We have been fortunate that we are in a position where, absent a credit crunch, we can scrounge up enough work to get by even when things slow down, but something is definitely cracking under the surface.  “Slowly at first, then all at once.”

Shiton: They want Trump in the White House. All the pieces have been put into place. They’ll trigger the collapse. And Trump will be the Fall Guy. 

yer:  UNLESS he was to get in a summarily fire 70% of the federal workforce, END the wars and send all troops back to the US, close 90% of foreign bases, close all welfare departments but ONE and means test the **** out of it, end all corporate free ****, means test SS, Medicare, Medicaid. He would need to go full clean house to reset the economy. 

well: Would’ve been nice if we didn’t flush away 15 trillion on 20 years of ziowars. Remember that ‘7 countries in 5 years’ neocon slogan?

Kick: Summary, unless you’re a member of one of the protected classes you are getting your *** handed to you.

Invert: I was at a party on Sunday and all the guys were talking politics and in full agreement about how Biden  was screwing everything up. The women heard us and started screaming, no talking politics. They don’t like Trump on purely emotional grounds so they will vote for Biden no matter how much he screws them. You can’t even try to reason with them. 

Gentleman: Proof that giving women the right to vote was a massive mistake. You don’t give people who are too emotional to rationally observe that their votes are cutting their own throats, the right to vote.

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