Excerpt: On Monday, ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan stated that there are “reasonable grounds to believe” that the Israeli leader and his defense minister are guilty of “war crimes and crimes against humanity” due to their complicity in the IDF’s military operation in Gaza. Khan announced that he is officially seeking warrants for the arrest of Netanyahu and Gallant, as well as three Hamas officials…

Israeli Justice Minister Yariv Levin slammed the move as “one of the greatest moral disgraces in human history,” and suggested that the “attempt to deny the State of Israel the right to self-defense” was an expression of “modern anti-Semitism and hatred of Jews wherever they are.”

In a statement to Reuters, senior Hamas official Sami Abu Zuhri also condemned the proposed warrants against the Palestinian group’s leaders, stating that such a move “equates the victim with the executioner” and could encourage Israel to continue its “war of extermination” in Gaza…


And some of the comments–

Opinion: ICC warrants against Israeli officials a moral debt to humanity. If not… what could be called a crime???

Debra: Zionists are carrying out a slow-motion coup d’etat against the USA.

mak: Terrorists? The apartheids state itself is originated out of terrorism. Begin and Shamir have been on the wanted list of the Brits because of committing terror acts. But only 2 jews?? The list should have contained at least 500 jews. I think that it took so much time for Khan to propose the warrants because he first had to check the level of bribes that were offered to him by the jews and the US and than to create a mechanism to defend himself against threats of the jews, the UK and the US. Finally he found the courage to propose the warrants. Well let’s see where massmurderes will end.

Debra: The indited Hamas leaders will respond to the ICC warrant. In court they will prove the atrocities they are being blamed for where actually committed by the IDF. They will also introduce into the court record evidence that Israel is committing genocide with the help of the US and some EU nations.

Salix: It is indeed a historical disgrace…. that the ICC watched Apartheid Israel committing war crimes after war crimes and crimes against humanity after crimes against humanity without doing its job out of feat of Jewish power.

Debra: Zionists will throw Gallant and Netanyahu under the bus. That was the plan. Get them to wipe out the Palestine and take over Gaza, and then set them up to face the rap.

prime: Both Netayahu and Gallant were backed by their western government accomplices through several agencies. In the USA, AIPAC and ADF, by definition a foreign organization, heavily influence and fund the US politics. It is well known US presidents are figure head as deep states (cowards afraid to show themselves) exists as confirmed by former presidents including those who were assassinated. Netayahu only applied the Protocol of Zion principles featuring its racist policies created from the Talmud invented in 10th Century after the fall of Khazar empire. The so-called state of Israel basicallly exposed themselves through their own sheer arrogance.

carl: These zionist leaders talk about how everybody hates them and that the ICC’s rulings are anti-semitic and on and on. What astounds me is that everybody does hate them. Not for their religion, but for their behaviour’s. They have invaded a sovereign country and displaced many of the native population. Some they have imprisoned in Gaza. The others, in the West Bank are being forced out by settlers who have no right to be there. They have ignored every UN resolution, trying to get them to be ‘humane’. Now they are carrying out an unremitting genocide and castigate the ICC for pulling them up on it. The Israeli’s need to get it right. It is not their religion that everybody hates. It is their delinquent behaviour.

mick: This decission is late for 76 years, against previous governmnets of Israel, who are in fact by any Western measures were terrorist, and they were proud of that. For the ones who don’t believe in that, look at their biography and what they did as a young people. Israel as a country is based on hate, genocide, occupation and terrorism, so this is too late.

TBTB: The entire Israeli and American governments should have been indicted and arrest warrants issued for each one of them for genocide against Palestinians. Starving millions of Palestinians is not fighting Hamas. Killing 10,000s of children and women is not war on Hamas. Dropping 2000lbs bombs on densely populated areas is a war crime. Destroying 80% of the civilian infrastructure is war against the people of Gaza. It is genocide. The ICC should amend its charges using evidence presented at the ICJ by South Africa and others.

First, Israel is an occupying colonial entity, it cannot claim self-defense. Second, Israel is not a democracy, it is an Apartheid state. Third, the Zionist war on Palestinians has been going on for 75 years, it did not start on October 7. Fourth, Hamas is a liberation movement, elected by the Palestinian people. Fifth, most of the Israelis killed were settlers living in stolen land. The majority of them were murdered by the IDF.

Ict: Why always the broken record “right to self-defense”,”modern anti-Semitism””outrage” “only democracy in the Middle East.” It is as though they are they only sufferers and that is NOT reality.

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