Excerpt: The owner of a gym in New Jersey who shot to national attention after defying COVID-19 restrictions by keeping his gym open has had all charges against him dropped…

Among the charges levied against the two men by the state were violations of a governor’s order, public nuisance, disturbing the peace, and operating without a license.

“The support we received locally, nationally, and internationally for our stand is something I will be forever grateful for,” Mr. Smith said. “With that being said, I am thrilled to announce that we have achieved a major victory in the long, hard fight against the State.”


Here are a few of the comments–

Wade: They tried to ruin the guy’s life and almost succeeded.

fearless: They did succeed against countless others…

Giraffe: This is the perfect example of why dudes should be fit and healthy.  Free floating testosterone built this world.  Don’t ever let anyone forget that. 

Quia: They made the guy’s life hell for 4 years and forced him to pay legal fees, but ultimately withdrew the charges when they got bored with him.

Peter: Not to mention how they ignore all the after-effects of the vaccinations ranging from debilitating symptoms and even sudden deaths. The truth will eventually be enthroned on the highest pedestal and the only thing higher will be the traitors, opportunists and liars swinging from the lamp posts.

Quia: It was the crime of the century, but none of those responsible have faced any consequences.

eye: The damage that the (((perpetrators))) of the plandemic wrought is almost incalculable.  Millions of people lost their livelihoods… and worse… like myself… lost a dear loved one as a direct result of the *** jabs. I can only pray that karma and justice serve these demons an eternal sentence in the Pit.

moto: And now, hopefully, he’ll discover the wonders of razors and other grooming tools now that his battle has been ended.  At his stage of grooming neglect it might require the introduction of TORO or John Deere to undo the decades of neglect.

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